Day 46 - just in case
의미 분석
- 만약을 대비해서, 혹시 몰라서, 혹시 모르니까
기본 예문
상황 1: 직장 동료 간의 대화
- 상황: 중요한 회의를 준비하면서
동료 A: I printed extra copies of the presentation, just in case someone needs one.
동료 B: Good thinking. You never know who might show up last minute.
동료 A: Exactly. I also brought a backup USB drive, just in case.
동료 B: You’re always so prepared. Thanks for covering all the bases.
상황 2: 친구 간의 대화
- 상황: 여행 가방을 싸면서
친구 A: Do you think I need to bring a jacket?
친구 B: I would, just in case. The weather can be unpredictable this time of year.
친구 A: True, I’ll pack one. Better safe than sorry.
친구 B: Exactly. It’s always good to be prepared.
상황 3: 가족 대화
- 상황: 부모님이 자녀에게 당부할 때
엄마: Make sure you take an umbrella with you, just in case it rains.
자녀: But the forecast says it’s going to be sunny.
엄마: I know, but it’s better to have it with you just in case.
자녀: Alright, I’ll take it. Thanks, Mom.
상황 4: 연인 간의 대화
- 상황: 연인이 약속 장소에 대해 이야기할 때
연인 A: Let’s meet at the cafe at 3 PM. I’ll text you when I’m on my way, just in case something comes up.
연인 B: Sounds good. I’ll keep my phone with me just in case.
연인 A: Great. See you then!
연인 B: See you!
상황 5: 학교에서의 대화
- 상황: 학생이 시험 준비물을 챙기면서
학생 A: I’m bringing two pencils and a calculator, just in case one runs out of battery.
학생 B: That’s smart. I’ll bring an extra pencil too, just in case.
학생 A: Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.
학생 B: Definitely. Good luck on the test!
표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명
- As a precaution
- Original: I brought a backup USB drive, just in case.
- Alternative: I brought a backup USB drive, as a precaution.
- Explanation: "As a precaution"는 "만일을 대비해서"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
- For safety's sake
- Original: I would, just in case. The weather can be unpredictable.
- Alternative: I would, for safety's sake. The weather can be unpredictable.
- Explanation: "For safety's sake"는 "안전을 위해서"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
- To be on the safe side
- Original: I’ll pack one, just in case.
- Alternative: I’ll pack one to be on the safe side.
- Explanation: "To be on the safe side"는 "안전을 위해"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
- In case of anything
- Original: I’ll text you when I’m on my way, just in case something comes up.
- Alternative: I’ll text you when I’m on my way, in case of anything.
- Explanation: "In case of anything"는 "무슨 일이 생길지 몰라서"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
- Just to be prepared
- Original: I’m bringing two pencils and a calculator, just in case.
- Alternative: I’m bringing two pencils and a calculator, just to be prepared.
- Explanation: "Just to be prepared"는 "준비하기 위해서"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.