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Day 16 - "I ended up becoming an OOO."

by 뜌기두밥 2024. 7. 5.
나는 결국 OOO이 되었어.


의미 분석

  • 예상치 못한 결과로 특정 직업이나 역할을 맡게 되었음을 표현 



  1. 구체성 유지: 이 표현을 사용할 때는 결과로 얻은 직업이나 역할을 구체적으로 명시하는 것이 중요
  2. 배경 이야기 포함: 가능하면 어떻게 그렇게 되었는지 배경 이야기를 포함하면 더 풍부한 표현이 될 수 있음
  3. 긍정적인 태도: 예상치 못한 결과라도 긍정적으로 받아들이는 태도를 나타내면 좋음


기본 예문


  • 학교 생활
    • 학생 A: "What did you study in college?"
    • 학생 B: "I started with a major in biology, but I ended up becoming a history major. I took a history course as an elective and fell in love with it."
    • 학생 A: "That's interesting! Sometimes the path we start on isn't the one we end up loving the most. Do you think you'll pursue a career in history?"
  • 직장 생활
    • 직원 A: "How did you get into marketing?"
    • 직원 B: "I initially worked in customer service, but I ended up becoming a marketing specialist after helping with a few promotional campaigns. I realized I had a knack for it."
    • 직원 A: "That's great! It sounds like you found your true calling. What's your favorite part about working in marketing?"
  • 여행 계획
    • 친구 A: "Did you always want to be a travel blogger?"
    • 친구 B: "Not really. I started my career as a journalist, but after a few travel assignments, I ended up becoming a full-time travel blogger. It combined my love for writing and adventure."
    • 친구 A: "That's awesome! Traveling the world and writing about it sounds like a dream job. Which destination has been your favorite so far?"
  • 취미 활동
    • 친구 A: "How did you become a professional photographer?"
    • 친구 B: "I originally took up photography as a hobby, but I ended up becoming a professional photographer after winning a few local contests. People started hiring me for events."
    • 친구 A: "That's amazing! Turning a hobby into a profession is such an achievement. What kind of photography do you enjoy the most?"
  • 헬스 및 피트니스
    • 동료 A: "What made you decide to become a fitness trainer?"
    • 동료 B: "I used to be an office worker, but after transforming my own health, I ended up becoming a fitness trainer to help others achieve their fitness goals."
    • 동료 A: "That's inspiring! Your personal journey must be very motivating for your clients. What advice do you give to beginners?"
  • 가족 대화
    • 엄마: "How did you decide on your career path?"
    • 아들: "I started with a degree in engineering, but after volunteering at a local clinic, I ended up becoming a nurse. I found it incredibly fulfilling to help people directly."
    • 엄마: "I'm so proud of you. It's wonderful that you found something you're passionate about. What do you find most rewarding about nursing?"



표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명


  • I eventually became an OOO
    • Original: I ended up becoming an engineer.
    • Alternative: I eventually became an engineer after exploring various fields.
    • Explanation: "I eventually became an OOO"는 "결국 OOO가 되었습니다"라는 뜻으로, 유사한 의미를 전달합니다.
  • I found myself working as an OOO
    • Original: I ended up becoming a teacher.
    • Alternative: I found myself working as a teacher after realizing my passion for education.
    • Explanation: "I found myself working as an OOO"는 "결국 OOO로 일하게 되었습니다"라는 뜻으로, 조금 더 문학적인 표현입니다.
  • I transitioned into an OOO
    • Original: I ended up becoming a software developer.
    • Alternative: I transitioned into a software developer after starting in tech support.
    • Explanation: "I transitioned into an OOO"는 "OOO로 전환하게 되었습니다"라는 뜻으로, 직업 변경을 강조하는 표현입니다.
  • I ended up taking on the role of an OOO
    • Original: I ended up becoming a project manager.
    • Alternative: I ended up taking on the role of a project manager after leading a successful team project.
    • Explanation: "I ended up taking on the role of an OOO"는 "OOO 역할을 맡게 되었습니다"라는 뜻으로, 역할을 강조하는 표현입니다.
  • I discovered my career as an OOO
    • Original: I ended up becoming a chef.
    • Alternative: I discovered my career as a chef after working in various kitchens.
    • Explanation: "I discovered my career as an OOO"는 "OOO로서의 경력을 발견하게 되었습니다"라는 뜻으로, 직업을 발견한 과정을 강조하는 표현입니다.




출처: [영어회화 방법론 & 네이티브력 급상승 영어 문장 300] / 권아나 TV - 권주현 아나운서]


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