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Day 14 - "I'll take a rain check."

by 뜌기두밥 2024. 7. 2.
다음으로 미룰게


의미 분석

  • "다음 기회에 할게요"라는 뜻
  • 현재 제안을 받아들일 수 없지만 나중에 다시 하고 싶다는 의미를 전할 때 사용하는 표현


  • 정중함 유지: 이 표현을 사용할 때는 상대방의 제안을 거절하면서도 정중함을 유지하는 것이 중요
  • 대안 제시: 가능하다면 대안을 제시하거나 나중에 할 수 있는 구체적인 시간을 언급하면 상대방에게 더 좋은 인상을 줄 수 있음
  • 상황에 맞게 사용: 이 표현은 캐주얼한 상황에서 주로 사용되므로, 매우 공식적인 상황에서는 적절하지 않을 수 있음 


기본 예문


  • 학교 생활
    • 학생 A: "Do you want to join us for a study group this evening? We're planning to review all the material before the midterm exams."
    • 학생 B: "Thanks for the invite, but I'll take a rain check. I have a lot of homework to finish tonight, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Maybe we can schedule another session later this week?"
    • 학생 A: "No problem, I understand. Just let us know when you're available, and we can arrange something."
  • 직장 생활
    • 직원 A: "We're going out for drinks after work to celebrate the successful project completion. Do you want to join us?"
    • 직원 B: "I appreciate the offer, but I'll take a rain check. I need to catch up on some reports that are due tomorrow, and I can't afford to fall behind. How about we plan another outing next week?"
    • 직원 A: "That's completely understandable. We'll definitely plan something again soon. Good luck with your reports!"
  • 여행 계획
    • 친구 A: "How about we go hiking this weekend? The weather is supposed to be perfect, and it's been a while since we did something outdoors."
    • 친구 B: "I'd love to, but I'll take a rain check. I have family visiting from out of town, and I really need to spend some time with them. Maybe we can plan another hiking trip in a few weeks?"
    • 친구 A: "That sounds great. Enjoy your time with your family, and let's definitely plan another trip soon."
  • 취미 활동
    • 친구 A: "Do you want to join me for a photography walk tomorrow? I found some new spots in the city that would be perfect for shooting."
    • 친구 B: "That sounds fun, but I'll take a rain check. I have a prior engagement that I can't get out of, but I'd love to join you next time. Can we plan something for next weekend?"
    • 친구 A: "Sure, next weekend works for me. Let's keep in touch and finalize the details later."
  • 헬스 및 피트니스
    • 동료 A: "Let's hit the gym together tomorrow morning. I heard they have a new class that's supposed to be really good."
    • 동료 B: "I'd like that, but I'll take a rain check. I have an early meeting with a client, and I need to prepare for it. How about we go together later this week?"
    • 동료 A: "No worries, I understand. Let's aim for Thursday morning instead. Good luck with your meeting!"
  • 가족 대화
    • 엄마: "Shall we try the new recipe for dinner tonight? I found this great dish online that I think everyone will love."
    • 아들: "That sounds great, but I'll take a rain check. I have to study for my exam, and I really need to focus tonight. How about we try it this weekend when I have more time?"
    • 엄마: "That's okay, sweetie. Your studies are important. We'll save the recipe for the weekend and make it a fun family activity."



표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명


  • I'll have to pass this time
    • Original: I'll take a rain check on the movie night.
    • Alternative: I'll have to pass this time on the movie night. I've got a big project deadline coming up, and I need to stay focused. Maybe we can catch a movie next weekend?
    • Explanation: "I'll have to pass this time"는 "이번에는 사양할게요"라는 뜻으로, "I'll take a rain check"의 간단한 대체 표현입니다.
  • I'll have to decline this time
    • Original: I'll take a rain check on the dinner invitation.
    • Alternative: I'll have to decline this time on the dinner invitation. My schedule is really packed this week, but I'd love to join you next time if that's okay.
    • Explanation: "I'll have to decline this time"는 "이번에는 사양할게요"라는 뜻으로, 좀 더 공손한 표현입니다.
  • Can we do it another time?
    • Original: I'll take a rain check on the meeting.
    • Alternative: Can we do it another time for the meeting? I'm swamped with work right now, but I'm free next Tuesday. Does that work for you?
    • Explanation: "Can we do it another time?"는 "다른 시간에 할 수 있을까요?"라는 뜻으로, 대안적인 제안을 포함한 표현입니다.
  • I'll reschedule for another time
    • Original: I'll take a rain check on our lunch.
    • Alternative: I'll reschedule for another time for our lunch. Something urgent came up at work, but I'd still love to catch up soon. How about next Thursday?
    • Explanation: "I'll reschedule for another time"는 "다른 시간에 다시 잡을게요"라는 뜻으로, 더 구체적인 표현입니다.
  • Let's postpone it
    • Original: I'll take a rain check on the game night.
    • Alternative: Let's postpone it for the game night. I'm not feeling well today, but I'm looking forward to playing. Maybe we can do it next weekend?
    • Explanation: "Let's postpone it"는 "연기하자"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.



출처: [영어회화 방법론 & 네이티브력 급상승 영어 문장 300] / 권아나 TV - 권주현 아나운서]
