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Day 48 - It's been intense


의미 분석

  • 정말 힘들었어, 정말 강렬했어
  • 어떤 경험이나 일이 매우 강렬하거나 힘들었을 때 사용하는 표현, 보통 스트레스가 많거나 압박감이 심한 상황을 설명할 때 쓰임


기본 예문

상황 1: 직장 동료 간의 대화

  • 상황: 동료가 바쁜 프로젝트를 마친 후

동료 A: How’s the project going? I heard it’s been a tough one.


동료 B: Yeah, it’s been intense. We’ve been working late every night this week to meet the deadline.


동료 A: I can only imagine. Have you had any time to relax?


동료 B: Not really, but we’re almost done. Just a few more tasks left.


동료 A: Hang in there. It’ll feel great once it’s over.

상황 2: 친구 간의 대화

  • 상황: 친구가 최근 겪은 힘든 경험에 대해 이야기할 때

친구 A: How have you been? You look exhausted.


친구 B: It’s been intense. I’ve been juggling work, school, and personal stuff all at once.


친구 A: That sounds overwhelming. Have you been able to manage?


친구 B: Barely. But I’m trying to keep everything together. I really need a break.


친구 A: I hear you. Let’s plan a day to just unwind and relax.


친구 B: That sounds perfect. I could really use it.

상황 3: 가족 대화

  • 상황: 자녀가 시험 기간 동안의 상황을 설명할 때

엄마: How have you been handling your exams?


자녀: It’s been intense, Mom. I’ve had back-to-back tests and hardly any time to study in between.


엄마: That does sound tough. Are you getting enough rest?


자녀: Not really, but I’m almost through it. Just a couple more exams to go.


엄마: Well, make sure you take care of yourself. It’s important to stay healthy.


자녀: I will. I’m looking forward to finishing up and relaxing.

상황 4: 연인 간의 대화

  • 상황: 연인이 최근 겪은 스트레스에 대해 이야기할 때

연인 A: You’ve been quiet lately. Everything okay?


연인 B: It’s been intense. Work has been nonstop, and I’m feeling really drained.


연인 A: I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?


연인 B: Just being here and listening helps a lot. I appreciate it.


연인 A: Anytime. Let’s take it easy this weekend and do something relaxing.


연인 B: That sounds like exactly what I need.

상황 5: 학교에서의 대화

  • 상황: 학생이 학기 말 프로젝트에 대해 이야기할 때

학생 A: How’s your final project coming along?


학생 B: It’s been intense. I’ve been pulling all-nighters to get everything done.


학생 A: That’s rough. Are you close to finishing?


학생 B: Almost. Just need to finalize a few details.


학생 A: Well, good luck. I’m sure all your hard work will pay off.


학생 B: Thanks, I hope so too.


표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명

  1. It’s been challenging
    • Original: It’s been intense.
    • Alternative: It’s been challenging.
    • Explanation: "It’s been challenging"는 "도전적이었어"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  2. It’s been overwhelming
    • Original: It’s been intense.
    • Alternative: It’s been overwhelming.
    • Explanation: "It’s been overwhelming"는 "압도적이었어"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  3. It’s been tough
    • Original: It’s been intense.
    • Alternative: It’s been tough.
    • Explanation: "It’s been tough"는 "힘들었어"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  4. It’s been a rollercoaster
    • Original: It’s been intense.
    • Alternative: It’s been a rollercoaster.
    • Explanation: "It’s been a rollercoaster"는 "기복이 심했어"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  5. It’s been exhausting
    • Original: It’s been intense.
    • Alternative: It’s been exhausting.
    • Explanation: "It’s been exhausting"는 "정말 지쳤어"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.

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