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Day 42 - They have a lot in common.

by 뜌기두밥 2024. 8. 2.

의미 분석

  • 그들은 공통점이 많아요
  • 어떤 것이 완벽하지 않아도 충분히 만족할 만한 상태일 때 사용하는 표현


기본 예문

상황 1: 친구들 간의 대화

  • 상황: 친구 A와 친구 B가 새로 만난 두 사람에 대해 이야기하는 상황

친구 A: Have you met Sarah and Mike? They seem to be getting along really well.


친구 B: Yeah, I noticed that too. They have a lot in common.


친구 A: Really? Like what?


친구 B: Well, for starters, they both love hiking and spend most of their weekends exploring new trails.


친구 A: That's cool. Anything else?


친구 B: They’re both big fans of jazz music. I heard them talking about their favorite albums for nearly an hour.


친구 A: No wonder they clicked so quickly. It's always nice to find someone who shares your interests.


친구 B: Exactly. Plus, they both work in graphic design, so they have a lot to talk about professionally as well.


친구 A: It sounds like they were meant to be friends.


친구 B: Totally. It’s great to see them enjoying each other’s company so much.


상황 2: 직장 동료 간의 대화

  • 상황: 직장 동료 A와 B가 새로 들어온 두 동료에 대해 이야기하는 상황

동료 A: Have you had a chance to chat with the new hires, Emma and Jake?


동료 B: Yeah, I have. They seem to hit it off right away.


동료 A: I noticed that too. They have a lot in common.


동료 B: Oh really? What kind of things?


동료 A: Well, they both studied at the same university, although a few years apart. They even had some of the same professors.


동료 B: That’s interesting. Anything else?


동료 A: They’re both really into photography. I saw them comparing their camera gear during lunch.


동료 B: That explains why they were talking for so long in the break room. It’s nice to have someone with similar interests at work.


동료 A: Definitely. And they both enjoy running. They’re planning to join the company’s running club together.


동료 B: It’s great when new people can bond over shared hobbies.


동료 A: For sure. It makes the workplace feel more connected.


상황 3: 가족 대화

  • 상황: 부모님이 자녀의 새 친구들에 대해 이야기하는 상황

엄마: Have you noticed how well Jessica and David get along?


아빠: Yes, they really seem to enjoy each other’s company. They have a lot in common.


엄마: Like what?


아빠: Well, they’re both passionate about playing the piano. I heard them practicing together yesterday.


엄마: That’s wonderful. It’s good to have a friend to share interests with.


아빠: They also love reading mystery novels. They’ve been swapping books back and forth.


엄마: That’s great. Anything else?


아빠: They both volunteer at the animal shelter on weekends. It’s nice to see them involved in such meaningful activities together.


엄마: It sounds like they really complement each other well.


아빠: Absolutely. It’s great to see them so happy and engaged.


상황 4: 데이트 상담

  • 상황: 친구가 다른 친구의 새로운 데이트 상대에 대해 이야기하는 상황

친구 A: So, how did your date with Alex go?


친구 B: It was fantastic! We have a lot in common.


친구 A: Really? Like what?


친구 B: Well, we both love cooking and spent half the evening exchanging recipes.


친구 A: That’s awesome. Anything else?


친구 B: We’re both huge fans of sci-fi movies. We ended up planning a movie marathon for next weekend.


친구 A: No way! That’s perfect. Anything else?


친구 B: We also enjoy rock climbing. We’re thinking of going to the climbing gym together.


친구 A: It sounds like you’ve found someone really compatible.


친구 B: I think so. It’s great to have so many shared interests.


표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명


  • They share a lot of interests
    • Original: They have a lot in common.
    • Alternative: They share a lot of interests.
    • Explanation: "They share a lot of interests"는 "그들은 많은 관심사를 공유해요"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • They’re very similar in many ways
    • Original: They have a lot in common.
    • Alternative: They’re very similar in many ways.
    • Explanation: "They’re very similar in many ways"는 "그들은 여러 면에서 매우 비슷해요"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • They click because of their shared interests
    • Original: They have a lot in common.
    • Alternative: They click because of their shared interests.
    • Explanation: "They click because of their shared interests"는 "그들은 공통된 관심사 덕분에 잘 맞아요"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • They get along well because they have similar hobbies
    • Original: They have a lot in common.
    • Alternative: They get along well because they have similar hobbies.
    • Explanation: "They get along well because they have similar hobbies"는 "그들은 비슷한 취미를 가지고 있어서 잘 어울려요"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • They have many mutual interests
    • Original: They have a lot in common.
    • Alternative: They have many mutual interests.
    • Explanation: "They have many mutual interests"는 "그들은 많은 공통된 관심사를 가지고 있어요"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.



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