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Day 20 - I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before

by 뜌기두밥 2024. 7. 8.
전날 밤에 모든 것을 꼭 챙길게요


의미 분석

  • 미리 준비하겠다는 의지 표현
  • 'the night before'는 '전날밤' 이라는 의미를 가지고 있음



  1. 철저한 준비 강조: 이 표현은 준비를 철저히 하겠다는 의지를 나타내므로 신뢰성을 강조할 때 유용
  2. 적절한 상황 사용: 여행, 행사, 중요한 일정 등 사전에 준비가 필요한 상황에서 적절하게 사용
  3. 추가 계획 언급: 필요 시 추가적인 준비 사항이나 계획을 함께 언급하면 더 구체적이고 신뢰감을 줄 수 있음


기본 예문



  • 학교 생활
    • 학생 A: "Don't forget we have a presentation tomorrow morning."
    • 학생 B: "I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before. I’ve already prepared my slides and notes."
    • 학생 A: "Great! Let’s meet early to do a final run-through."
  • 직장 생활
    • 직원 A: "We have an important client meeting first thing tomorrow."
    • 직원 B: "I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before. I’ll have all the documents and samples ready."
    • 직원 A: "Excellent. Let’s aim to impress them with our preparation."
  • 여행 계획
    • 친구 A: "Are you ready for our road trip this weekend?"
    • 친구 B: "I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before. I’ve got a checklist to ensure I don’t forget anything."
    • 친구 A: "Perfect! It’s going to be a great trip."
  • 취미 활동
    • 친구 A: "We have an early start for the photography workshop tomorrow."
    • 친구 B: "I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before. I’ve already charged my camera batteries and packed my lenses."
    • 친구 A: "Awesome! I can’t wait to see the shots we get."
  • 헬스 및 피트니스
    • 동료 A: "Don’t forget about our early morning hike tomorrow."
    • 동료 B: "I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before. I’ve got my hiking gear and snacks ready."
    • 동료 A: "Great! Let’s meet at the trailhead at 6 AM."
  • 가족 대화
    • 엄마: "We need to leave early for the family reunion tomorrow."
    • 아들: "I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before. I’ve already got my clothes and gifts ready."
    • 엄마: "Thank you! It’ll help us get out the door on time."



표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명


  • I'll be sure to pack everything the night before
    • Original: I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before.
    • Alternative: I'll be sure to pack everything the night before. I’ve got my list ready.
    • Explanation: "I'll be sure to"는 "확실히 ~할게요"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • I'll ensure everything is packed the night before
    • Original: I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before.
    • Alternative: I'll ensure everything is packed the night before. I’ll double-check my checklist.
    • Explanation: "I'll ensure"는 "확실히 ~하겠다"는 뜻으로, 더 공식적인 표현입니다.
  • I'll get everything ready the night before
    • Original: I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before.
    • Alternative: I'll get everything ready the night before. I’ll set an alarm to remind myself.
    • Explanation: "I'll get everything ready"는 "모든 것을 준비하겠다"는 뜻으로, 준비를 강조하는 표현입니다.
  • I'll prepare everything the night before
    • Original: I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before.
    • Alternative: I'll prepare everything the night before. I’ve already started packing my essentials.
    • Explanation: "I'll prepare everything"는 "모든 것을 준비하겠다"는 뜻으로, 준비를 강조하는 표현입니다.
  • I'll organize my things the night before
    • Original: I’ll make sure to pack everything the night before.
    • Alternative: I'll organize my things the night before. I’ve got a system to make sure I don’t forget anything.
    • Explanation: "I'll organize my things"는 "물건을 정리하겠다"는 뜻으로, 준비 과정을 설명하는 표현입니다.



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