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영어회화/상황 별 회화

상황 - 운동을 하는데 처음보는 사람을 만나서 하는 대화


You: Hey there! How's it going?


Foreigner: Hey! It's going well, thanks. How about you?


You: Not too bad, thanks. How was your day?


Foreigner: It was pretty good. Work was busy, but I'm glad to be here now. How about your day?


You: Pretty similar, actually. Work kept me on my toes, but now I'm ready to blow off some steam. How long have you been coming to this gym?


Foreigner: I've been coming here for about six months now. What about you?


You: I've been a member here for a little over a year. (1년 남짓) What kind of workouts do you usually do?


Foreigner: I mostly focus on weight training, but I like to mix in some cardio as well. How about you?


You: I do a bit of everything, but I’ve been focusing more on strength training lately. Do you have any favorite exercises?


Foreigner: I really enjoy doing deadlifts and bench presses. They’re tough but really rewarding. Do you have a favorite?


You: I’d have to say squats. They’re challenging, but I feel like they work so many muscles at once. Have you seen a lot of progress since you started?


Foreigner: Definitely. I’ve gained a lot of strength and muscle. It’s been really motivating to see the progress. How about you?


You: Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of improvement too. It’s always nice to hit new personal records. Do you follow any specific workout program or diet?


Foreigner: I follow a program called StrongLifts 5x5 and try to keep a balanced diet. What about you?


You: I’m following a push-pull-legs routine and trying to eat clean. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. Have you made any gym buddies here?


Foreigner: A few, actually. It’s nice to have people to chat with and get advice from. Do you work out with friends or usually on your own?


You: Mostly on my own, but I’ll occasionally work out with friends. It’s nice to have a mix. Anyway, it was great chatting with you. Enjoy your workout!


Foreigner: You too! See you around.
