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영어회화/상황 별 회화

상황 - 음식점의 대기줄이 있는 상황에서의 대화


A: Wow, this place is really popular. Look at that line!


B: Yeah, it looks like we might have to wait a bit. Let's ask the host how long the wait will be.


A: Good idea. Excuse me, can we ask you a few questions about the wait time?


호스트: Of course! How can I help you?


B: We see there's quite a line. How long is the wait time for a table for two?


호스트: Let me check for you. (호스트가 대기 명단을 확인.) It looks like the current wait time for a table for two is about 45 minutes.


A: 45 minutes, huh? Is there any way to make a reservation or get on a priority list?


호스트: Unfortunately, we don't take reservations on weekends, but we do have a bar area where you can wait. It’s first come, first served, and you can enjoy a drink while you wait.


B: That sounds like a good option. Is there usually a wait for the bar area as well?


호스트: It can get busy, but right now it looks like there are a few seats available. I can add your name to the waitlist for a table and you can head over to the bar in the meantime.


A: Great, let’s do that. Could you please add us to the waitlist?


호스트: Sure thing. Can I get your name?


B: It's under B.


호스트: Got it. B, you’re all set. Feel free to check back in about 30 minutes for an update, or I can send you a text when your table is ready.


A: Perfect, thank you so much!


B: Thanks! We'll head over to the bar and wait there.


레스토랑 바에서

A: This bar area is nice. I’m glad we can wait here instead of standing in line.


B: Definitely. Let’s get a drink while we wait.


바텐더: Hi there! What can I get for you today?


A: I’ll have a glass of red wine, please.


B: And I’ll have a pint of the local IPA.


바텐더: Coming right up! Are you two waiting for a table?


A: Yes, we are. The host said it’ll be about 45 minutes.


바텐더: That sounds about right. I hope you enjoy your drinks while you wait!


B: Thanks, we will.


30분 후

A: It’s been about 30 minutes. Should we check in with the host?


B: Yeah, let’s see if our table is ready or if we need to wait a bit longer. (두 사람이 다시 호스트에게 다가감.)


A: Hi, we’re just checking in to see if our table is almost ready. Our name is under B.


호스트: Let me check. (호스트가 명단을 확인.) It looks like your table should be ready in about 10 more minutes.


B: Thanks for the update. We’ll wait at the bar a bit longer then.


호스트: No problem. I’ll send you a text as soon as your table is ready.
