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Day 37 - Could you bring the [specific item] with the main course?


의미 분석

  • [특정 항목]을 메인 음식이 나올 때 같이 가져다 주시겠어요?


기본 예문

상황 1: 음료를 메인 음식과 같이 받고 싶은 경우

  • 상황: 레스토랑에서 식사를 주문할 때
    • 나: "Could you bring my drink with the main course(dish), please?"
    • 웨이터: "Of course, I’ll bring your drink when the main course is ready."
  • 상황: 특정 음료를 나중에 받기를 원하는 경우
    • 나: "I'd like to have my wine with the main course, if that's okay."
    • 웨이터: "Sure, I’ll serve the wine when your main course is ready."
  • 상황: 주문을 하면서 요청할 때
    • 나: "Can I have my coffee served with my dessert instead of now?"
    • 웨이터: "Absolutely, I’ll bring your coffee with the dessert."

상황 2: 특정 음료를 메인 음식과 함께 받기를 원하는 경우

  • 상황: 식사를 주문할 때
    • 나: "Could you please bring my soda with the main dish?"
    • 웨이터: "No problem, I’ll make sure to bring it out with your meal."
  • 상황: 음료를 나중에 받기를 요청할 때
    • 나: "Is it possible to serve my iced tea with the main course?"
    • 웨이터: "Of course, I’ll bring your iced tea with your main dish."
  • 상황: 메뉴를 고르고 나서 요청할 때
    • 나: "I’d like my beer to be served with my steak, please."
    • 웨이터: "Sure thing, I’ll bring it out with your steak."

상황 3: 디저트와 함께 음료를 받기를 원하는 경우

  • 상황: 디저트를 주문하면서 요청할 때
    • 나: "Can I get my cappuccino served with the dessert?"
    • 웨이터: "Yes, I’ll bring your cappuccino with your dessert."
  • 상황: 음료를 나중에 받기를 요청할 때
    • 나: "Could you bring my herbal tea with the dessert, please?"
    • 웨이터: "Of course, I’ll serve it with the dessert."
  • 상황: 음료를 나중에 받기를 요청할 때
    • 나: "I'd prefer to have my espresso with the dessert instead of now."
    • 웨이터: "Absolutely, I’ll bring it out with your dessert."


표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명


  • Could you serve...
    • Original: Could you bring my drink with the main course, please?
    • Alternative: Could you serve my drink with the main course, please?
    • Explanation: "Could you serve"는 "~~을 제공해 주시겠어요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Would it be possible to have...
    • Original: I'd like to have my wine with the main course, if that's okay.
    • Alternative: Would it be possible to have my wine with the main course, if that's okay?
    • Explanation: "Would it be possible to have"는 "~~을 받을 수 있을까요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Can I get...
    • Original: Can I have my coffee served with my dessert instead of now?
    • Alternative: Can I get my coffee served with my dessert instead of now?
    • Explanation: "Can I get"는 "~~을 받을 수 있을까요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • I'd prefer to have...
    • Original: I'd prefer to have my espresso with the dessert instead of now.
    • Alternative: I'd prefer to have my drink with the main course instead of now.
    • Explanation: "I'd prefer to have"는 "~~을 더 선호합니다"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Please bring...
    • Original: Could you bring my soda with the main dish, please?
    • Alternative: Please bring my soda with the main dish.
    • Explanation: "Please bring"는 "~~을 가져다 주세요"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.

