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Day 33 - Let's call it a day


의미 분석

  • 오늘은 여기까지 하자, 이제 그만하자

기본 예문

학교 생활

  • 상황: 친구와 함께 공부를 마무리할 때
    • 학생 A: "We've been studying for hours and I think we've covered everything for tomorrow's test. Let's call it a day."
    • 학생 B: "I agree. We can review again in the morning if we need to. Let's get some rest now."

직장 생활

  • 상황: 팀 프로젝트를 마무리할 때
    • 팀 리더: "We've made significant progress on the project today, and it's already past 6 PM. Let's call it a day and pick it up again tomorrow morning."
    • 팀원: "Sounds good to me. I'll make sure to summarize our work so far and email it to everyone before I leave."

여행 계획

  • 상황: 하루 종일 관광을 마무리할 때
    • 친구 A: "We've seen the museum, the old town, and even took the river cruise. It's been a long day. Let's call it a day and head back to the hotel."
    • 친구 B: "Good idea. We can grab some dinner on the way back. I'm exhausted!"

취미 활동

  • 상황: 동호회 활동을 마무리할 때
    • 동호회장: "Everyone did a fantastic job on their projects today. It's getting late, so let's call it a day. We'll continue next week with fresh ideas."
    • 회원: "Thanks, everyone. See you all next week!"

헬스 및 피트니스

  • 상황: 운동을 마무리할 때
    • 트레이너: "You all pushed really hard during today's session. We've reached our target for the day. Let's call it a day and make sure to stretch before you leave."
    • 회원: "Thanks for the great workout! See you at the next session."

가족 대화

  • 상황: 가족이 함께 일한 후 마무리할 때
    • 엄마: "We've cleaned the entire house from top to bottom and it's sparkling clean now. Let's call it a day and relax with a movie."
    • 아들: "That sounds perfect. I'll make some popcorn."


  • 상황: 이사 작업을 마무리할 때
    • 친구 A: "We managed to move all the heavy furniture and unpack most of the boxes. It's already dark outside. Let's call it a day and finish the rest tomorrow."
    • 친구 B: "Absolutely. I'll bring some snacks tomorrow to keep us energized."


  • 상황: 요리 수업을 마무리할 때
    • 셰프: "You've all done an amazing job with your dishes today. We've covered everything I planned. Let's call it a day and enjoy what we've made."
    • 학생: "Thank you! I can't wait to taste everyone's creations."

정원 가꾸기

  • 상황: 정원 일을 마무리할 때
    • 이웃 A: "We've planted all the flowers and trimmed the hedges. The garden looks fantastic. Let's call it a day and have some lemonade."
    • 이웃 B: "Great work! I think we deserve a little break."


  • 상황: 하이킹을 마무리할 때
    • 친구 A: "We've covered a lot of ground today and the view from the top was incredible. Let's call it a day and head back to the campsite."
    • 친구 B: "I'm with you. Let's get back before it gets too dark."


  • 상황: 카페에서 공부를 마무리할 때
    • 친구 A: "We've been working on this project for hours and we've made great progress. Let's call it a day and treat ourselves to some dessert."
    • 친구 B: "Yes, please! I think we deserve it."


  • 상황: 자원 봉사를 마무리할 때
    • 자원봉사자 리더: "Thank you all for your hard work today. We've accomplished a lot. Let's call it a day and reconvene next week to finish up."
    • 자원봉사자: "Thank you! See you all next week."


표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명


  • Let's wrap it up
    • Original: Let's call it a day.
    • Alternative: Let's wrap it up.
    • Explanation: "Let's wrap it up"는 "이제 마무리하자"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • We're done for today
    • Original: Let's call it a day.
    • Alternative: We're done for today.
    • Explanation: "We're done for today"는 "오늘은 여기까지"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • That's enough for today
    • Original: Let's call it a day.
    • Alternative: That's enough for today.
    • Explanation: "That's enough for today"는 "오늘은 충분해"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Time to pack up
    • Original: Let's call it a day.
    • Alternative: Time to pack up.
    • Explanation: "Time to pack up"는 "이제 정리하자"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Let's finish up here
    • Original: Let's call it a day.
    • Alternative: Let's finish up here.
    • Explanation: "Let's finish up here"는 "여기서 마무리하자"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.

