본문 바로가기


Day 34 - Do you have ~? / Is there any ~? / Is there available ~?


의미 분석

  • 여기 ~~는 없어?, ~~을(를) 찾고 있는데 여기 없나요?
  • 특정한 물건이나 서비스가 있는지 물어볼 때 사용하는 표현 


기본 예문


  • 상황: 특정 상품을 찾고 있을 때
    • 나: "Do you have any umbrellas here?"
    • 직원: "Yes, they are in aisle 3."


  • 상황: 메뉴에 없는 음식을 찾을 때
    • 나: "Do you have any vegetarian options here?"
    • 웨이터: "Yes, we have a separate vegetarian menu. Would you like to see it?"


  • 상황: 특정 시설을 찾을 때
    • 나: "Is there a gym here?"
    • 호텔 직원: "Yes, our gym is located on the second floor."


  • 상황: 특정 음료를 찾을 때
    • 나: "Do you have almond milk here?"
    • 바리스타: "Yes, we do. Would you like it in your coffee?"


  • 상황: 특정 책을 찾을 때
    • 나: "Is there a copy of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' here?"
    • 도서관 직원: "Yes, it should be in the fiction section."


  • 상황: 특정 진료를 찾을 때
    • 나: "Do you have a cardiology department here?"
    • 병원 안내원: "Yes, it's on the third floor."


  • 상황: 특정 약을 찾을 때
    • 나: "Do you have any pain relievers here?"
    • 약사: "Yes, they are on the shelf to your left."


  • 상황: 특정 시설을 찾을 때
    • 나: "Is there a playground here?"
    • 공원 관리자: "Yes, it's near the entrance."


  • 상황: 특정 가구를 찾을 때
    • 나: "Do you have any office chairs here?"
    • 직원: "Yes, they are in the furniture section."


  • 상황: 특정 전자제품을 찾을 때
    • 나: "Do you have any noise-cancelling headphones here?"
    • 직원: "Yes, they are displayed at the front of the store."


  • 상황: 특정 식품을 찾을 때
    • 나: "Do you have any gluten-free bread here?"
    • 직원: "Yes, it's in the health food aisle."


표현을 다른 식으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 예시와 설명


  • Do you carry...
    • Original: Do you have any umbrellas here?
    • Alternative: Do you carry umbrellas here?
    • Explanation: "Do you carry"는 "여기 ~~를 취급하나요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Is there any...
    • Original: Do you have any vegetarian options here?
    • Alternative: Is there any vegetarian option here?
    • Explanation: "Is there any"는 "여기 ~~가 있나요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Can I find...
    • Original: Do you have any pain relievers here?
    • Alternative: Can I find pain relievers here?
    • Explanation: "Can I find"는 "여기서 ~~를 찾을 수 있나요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Do you offer...
    • Original: Do you have almond milk here?
    • Alternative: Do you offer almond milk here?
    • Explanation: "Do you offer"는 "여기 ~~를 제공하나요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.
  • Is there available...
    • Original: Is there a gym here?
    • Alternative: Is there a gym available here?
    • Explanation: "Is there available"는 "여기 ~~가 이용 가능한가요?"라는 뜻으로, 같은 의미를 전달합니다.



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